Home University: Feng Chia University
Undergraduate Degree: International Business Administration
Master’s Degree Program: Sport Business
Post-Graduation Plans: Seeking jobs in the global sports industry
Why did you choose Temple University’s DBMD program? What advantages does DBMD offer you over other graduate programs?
Temple's DBMD program allows me to pursue my master’s degree during my senior year. Since Temple has been collaborating with my home university for many years, I can expect to receive a quality education from both institutions.
How has studying abroad for your master’s degree enhanced your skills and experience?
Studying in the USA for my master’s degree has enhanced my overall English skills. Also, I'm learning about differences between Western and Eastern cultures, which has taught me life lessons from multiple perspectives.
How will Temple help you achieve your career plans?
My program provides various internship and volunteer opportunities that allow students to have abundant hands-on experience. Plus, faculty members often emphasize the importance of networking. They always tell us to leave our comfort zone and make foreign friends.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience so far at Temple University and being a part of the DBMD program?
I would like to say that Global Programs at Temple really gives international students significant help. They take care of us and make sure we are doing well every single day.