By Junho Hong
It’s already been a month since I started studying at Temple University. It took some time to select a topic for my first blog post because I was deciding on which story would be informative and interesting for people who might read this post. I decided to share two things to consider before studying abroad, whether you are a Temple University exchange student or not. The two things are mentality and mindset, and I think that they are the most important aspects to consider before you start your journey at Temple University. Let’s begin.
The first thing I want to talk about is the importance of creating your own goals and having an open-minded attitude. The first lesson I have learnt in this month is there are so many chances and experiences that you might have not imagined before. In Temple University, there are various weekly events, association or club activities, sports related events, and recreational programs. I cannot list all of these, but I recommend you participate in those things, even if they are new to you. Having experiences at Temple’s unique events will enhance your personal goals. Thus, if you are hesitating to get out of your comfort zone, there will be many friends, staff, or professors who will help you proactively.

The second thing is that learning English takes time. It is the natural and logical truth. However, I want to emphasize the significance of creating an environment that exposes you to English. If your number one priority is to improve your English, then it is much more crucial. For example, As I am Korean, using English in everyday life was hard in the beginning, and it still is. So, I have been trying to make my situation advantageous to use English as much as possible. For me, becoming a blogger in the 2023 spring semester is a fantastic opportunity to improve my writing and organize my thoughts. Furthermore, I started to use the English speaking tutoring service (Conversation Partners) held in the Student Success Center. In addition, I am taking a writing class, and a speaking class. I thought if I join these activities, then my English skills will grow naturally and I can become a fluent English speaker after the semester is over. However, the truth is that it is much more difficult to improve English than I expected. Thus, having an idea that your English will be improved just living in the United States is realistic, but requires a lot of work and perseverance. Therefore, I strongly recommend you search for events which will be helpful in improving your English. There are so many great programs given to exchange students.
At Temple University, Philadelphia, and the United States, priceless moments that no one can predict are waiting for you. Always try to think positively, and I hope you make unforgettable memories in Temple University.