Home University: University of Science and Technology of China
Master’s Degree Program: Computer Science
Current Position: PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Utah
Why did you choose Temple University’s DBMD program? What advantages does DBMD offer you over other graduate programs?
To me, DBMD means saving time and getting more opportunities. It has helped me to achieve my career and academic goals more efficiently.
How has studying abroad for your master’s degree enhanced your skills and experience?
In addition to the advanced courses, what helps me a lot is the academic training from my research advisor.
What are your career plans?
Apply for a Ph.D. of Machine Learning after graduation and try to be a top data scientist in the future.
How will Temple help you achieve your career plans?
Flexible research projects help me a lot. Professors here are willing to supervise master's students and let them be involved in research. I found my first advisor in the first month when I got to Temple and started my exciting research. I started my second project this semester with another professor. I'm confident that these experiencces will be a great help when I apply for Ph.D. programs.