Hi, I’m Minha! I’m a senior studying Communications and American Studies and I’ll be studying at Temple University for the Fall 2021 semester as an exchange student. While I’ve been studying the US for two years, this is my first time living in the US. I felt a bit limited in studying the US without any actual experience there, so I hope my journey in Philadelphia will deepen my knowledge of US society. I’m especially interested in the diversity of US society, the knowledge of which can be applied to any other country, including Korea, in this global era. My other academic interests are media representation, media technology and the impact of media on society. I’m also an avid reader, writer, photographer, and lifelong learner. I look forward to all the stories I will encounter during my journey in the US!
Position: Global Programs Blogger
Home University: Sogang University, Korea
Program: Exchange
Majors: Communication and American Studies
Term: Fall 2021